”Babease” est la pratique d’obstétrique d’Andreia Situm et de ses associées. Elle pratique à la ” West Coast Osteopathy & Wellness”.

Andreia a reçu une riche formation académique et elle pratique depuis plus de 20 ans comme sage-femme. Originaire de Croatie, elle a été reçue comme infirmière/sage-femme.  Elle a de plus un baccalauréat en sciences (Professor’s and Engineer’s Diploma) et elle a poursuivi des études post-graduées en ‘Bio Medecine’. Depuis son arrivée au Canada, Andreia s’est requalifiée auprès du Collegeof Midwives of Ontario et elle a pratiqué à ”McMaster University Hospital” et à St. Joseph’s Hospital. Elle a déménagé en Colombie-Britannique il y a 8 ans et elle pratique actuellement à l’hôpital Lion’s Gate de North Vancouver.

Pour prendre un rendez-vous avec Andreia,  SVP l’appeler au:  604-983-0949 ou lui envoyer un courriel à:info@babeasemidwifery.ca

Registered Nurse-Midwife 1980
BSc (Engineering/Genetics)
Diploma Biology
Registered Midwife (College of Midwives BC)

Andreia bio picBabease is the midwifery practice of Andreia Situm and associates located at West Coast Osteopathy & Wellness.

Andreia is a highly educated midwife who has been in practice for over 20 years. In her native Croatia, as well as being a certified Nurse/Midwife, she has a Bachelor Degree in Science (Professor’s and Engineer’s Diploma) with post graduate studies in Bio Medicine. Upon arrival in Canada, she recertified through the College of Midwives of Ontario and practiced at McMaster University Hospital and St. Joseph’s Hospital . She relocated to BC eight years ago and is currently practicing in North Vancouver out of Lion’s Gate Hospital.

To make an appointment with Andreia please call 604-983-0949 or email info.babeasemidwifery@shaw.ca.  New clients please fill out an intake form at www.babeasemidwifery.ca

New Year's January Offer

Victoria, our new osteopathic practitioner, is excited to offer:

Free 30-Minute Assessments For New Patients

Includes postural, visceral, and cranial assessments.

You’ll leave with a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs, giving you a clear path to better health. (Please note: this session does not include treatment.)

✨ Plus, in January only:
All of Victoria’s paying clients will enjoy a free photobiomodulation session (valued at $35) to enhance their wellness journey.

🔔 These offers are available for a limited time – don’t miss out!