Ayuverdic Massage

Ayurveda is an ancient medicine coming from India that has been practiced for thousands of years

The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life. Based on the idea that disease is due to an imbalance or stress in a person’s consciousness, Ayurveda encourages certain lifestyle interventions and natural therapies to regain a balance between the body, mind, spirit, and the environment.


Abhyanga is a full body detoxifying massage, during which the practitioner uses warm oils and gentle strokes. According to Ayurveda, everyone who wishes to have good health and a long life span should have Abhyanga on a regular basis. Some of the benefits include:

Who can benefit from Abhyanga?

Anyone who is healthy and anyone who wishes to have a longer life span and better health.

Contraindications: if you suffer from a cold, indigestion, acute fever, have mucus problems or have a weak digestive system, it is not recommended to have an Abhyanga treatment. Come back to health and book your appointment.

What to expect during the Abhyanga treatment?

Abhyanga is a body massage, therefore you will need to remove your clothes and keep only underwear. Towels will be provided as well as linen on the massage table. The bodyworker will massage legs, arms, back, chest, and belly. If you do not wish to be massaged on certain parts, or have sensitivities, please make the bodyworker aware.

Note that Abhyanga is an oleation process and will use lukewarm oils. A towel will be provided to wipe the excess oil at the end of the treatment. Be cautious not to wear your most precious clothes so as not to damage them

It is recommended to keep the oil on the body for as long as possible (min 2 hours) after the treatment.

Shiro Abhyanga:

Shiro Abhyanga is a simple treatment with excellent health benefits, focusing on the head, back of the neck, and shoulders. The head is the most important part of the body as all the sense organs are located on this part: eyes, ears, nose, tongue. In addition, the head and neck cumulate 37 marma points (energy points), which means those areas are very sensitive to treatments and more receptive. Therefore, massaging Shiro Abhyanga provides nourishment to all the sense organs and promotes their normal and natural functioning.

Some of the benefits are:

– improves sleep in case of insomnia

– removes accumulated toxins from the scalp by improving the circulation in the scalp

– nourishes your hair roots and promotes thick, shiny hair

– relaxes body, mind and soul

– improves blood circulation

– rejuvenation: eliminates old cells and repairs tissues

– relieves sinusitis, migraine, headaches…

Who can benefit from Shiro Abhyanga?

Anyone who is healthy and anyone who wishes to have a longer life span and better health.

Contraindications: if you suffer from a cold, indigestion, acute fever, have mucus problems or have a weak digestive system, it is not recommended to have an Abhyanga treatment. Your digestive system won’t be able to “digest” the oil. However, it is possible to do a treatment without oil, only massaging. Please let your bodyworker know.

What to expect during the Shiro Abhyanga treatment?

Shiro Abhyanga is a head, neck and shoulders massage. You will need to remove the clothes from your upper body. Towels will be provided as well as linen. The bodyworker will massage shoulders, neck, and head. If you do not wish to be massaged on certain parts, or have sensitivities, please make the bodyworker aware.

Note that Shiro Abhyanga is an oleation process and will use lukewarm oils. A towel will be provided to wipe the excess oil at the end of the treatment. Be cautious not to wear your most precious clothes so as not to damage them 🙂

It is recommended to keep the oil on the body for as long as possible (min 2 hours) after the treatment.


Mukhabhyanga is a traditional face massage coming from the roots of India. The face is very sensitive part of the body, with most of the marma points (energy points). The liver and kidneys expell toxins through the skin, mainly the face. Mukhabhyanga brings balance to the mind and emotions creating peace and tranquility. It is soothing and nurturing to the skin tissue leaving your skin glowing and your face smiling.

Some of the benefits are:
– Relax your face, reduce stress and stiffness
– Make your skin firmer, nourish it and improve its complexion
– Remove facial toxins
– Rejuvenate and tone your facial muscles
– Improve eyesight and functioning of your sense organs

Who can benefit from Mukhabhyanga?

Anyone who is healthy and anyone who wishes to have a longer life span and better health.

Contraindications: if you suffer from a cold, indigestion, acute fever, have mucus problems or have a weak digestive system, it is not recommended to have an Abhyanga treatment. Your digestive system won’t be able to “digest” the oil. However, it is possible to do a treatment without oil, only massaging. Please let your bodyworker know.

What to expect during the Mukhabhyanga treatment?

Mukhabhyanga is a face massage. You will lay on the massage table fully clothed. Rose water will be applied to clean the skin, and then a turmeric cream to prepare the skin for the massage. Lukewarm oil will be used to operate the treatment. The bodyworker will massage your face and if you do not wish to be massaged on certain parts, or have sensitivities, please make the bodyworker aware.

Note that Mukhabhyanga is an oleation process and will use lukewarm oils. A towel will be provided to wipe the excess oil at the end of the treatment. Be cautious not to wear your most precious clothes so as not to damage them

It is recommended to keep the oil on the body for as long as possible (min 2 hours) after the treatment.